Spirit, a word that until I move to Philadelphia meant nothing more to me than an abstract form associated with soul or a supernatural being, now has a whole new depth.

Now that I’ve shared my little enlightening experience with you, let’s go back to food and spirits. Food is a very important part of culture and it’s the most common form of expression that people engage in on a daily basis.
In my opinion, nothing brings people together like food and drinks. Whether it be for a celebration, mourning or just a business meeting, it’s a guarantee that there would be some kinda food involved..

I’m currently spending a few weeks in Haiti, and there is a number of foreigners living here at the moment. Most of them are here as part of a relief/recovery program to help stabilize the country after it was devastated by a major earthquake in January 2010.

This week my plan is to use this very cosmopolitan human database to find out how cultures around the world use food and spirits as a form of daily expression.

Until next time…

Please do share your own experience!